Results for 'Cambridge Uni Cambridge'

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  1. L22000. 00.Peter Achinstein, Brian Barry, Clarendon Press Oxford, John Bigelow, Robert Pargetter, Cambridge Uni Cambridge, H. James Birx, Richard J. Blackwell, Univer Indiana & C. Blok - 1991 - Mind 100:399.
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    Adams, JN Bilingualism and the Latin Language. Cambridge: Cambridge Uni-versity Press, 2003. xxviii+ 836 pp. Cloth, $140. Alcock, Susan E. Archaeologies of the Greek Past: Landscape, Monuments, and Memories. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. xiv+ 222 pp. 58 black-and-white ills. Cloth, $60; paper, $22. [REVIEW]Danielle S. Allen, Bettina Amden, Pernille Flensted-Jensen, Thomas Heine-Nielsen, Adam Schwartz, Chr Gorm Tortzen, Julia Annas & Christopher Rowe - 2003 - American Journal of Philology 124:497-504.
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    Appearance in this list neither guarantees nor precludes a future review of the book. Ammereller, Erich and Eugen Fischer, Wittgenstein at Work: Method in the Philosophical Investigations, London and New York: Routledge, 2004, pp. xxix+ 263,£ 50.00. Armstrong, DM, Truth and Truthmakers, Cambridge and New York: Cambridge Uni-versity Press, 2004, pp. xii+ 158,£ 17.99, $27.99,£ 40.00, $70.00. [REVIEW]Frederick C. Beiser - 2004 - Mind 113:452.
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    Book reviews : Capitalism and modern social theory: An analysis of the writings of Marx, Durkheim and Weber. By Anthony Giddens. London: Cambridge uni versity press, 1971. Pp. XVII+ 261. £4.20. Images of society: Essays on the sociological theories of tocqueville, Marx and Durkheim. By Gianfranco Poggi. Stanford and London: Oxford university press, 1972. Pp. XVI+ 267. $8.95. History and class consciousness: Studies in Marxist dialectics. By Georg Lukács. Translated by Rodney Livingstone. London: Merlin press, 1971. Pp. xlvii+ 356. $8.95. [REVIEW]Jim Thomas - 1977 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 7 (2):201-206.
  5. Reviews : Philip McMichael, Settlers and the Agrarian Question: Cap italism in Colonial Australia (Cambridge, Cambridge Uni versity Press, 1984). [REVIEW]Alastair Davidson - 1987 - Thesis Eleven 18-19 (1):203-204.
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  6. Chalmers, David J. The Character of Consciousness, Oxford University Press, 2010, 624 pp. Cliteur, Paul. The Secular Outlook: In Defense of Moral and Political Secularism, Wiley-Blackwell, 2010, 328 pp. Cochran, Molly. The Cambridge Companion to Dewey, Cambridge Uni. [REVIEW]Fred Evans, Allan Gotthelf, James G. Lennox, Jesus Ilundain-Agurruza, Michael W. Austin, Timothy O'Connor, Constantine Sandis, Graham Oppy, Michael Scott & Roland Pierik - 2011 - Metaphilosophy 42 (3):0026-1068.
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    (Michael Ayers) of The Cambridge History of Seventeenth-Century Philosophy (1998). Together with Steven Nadler, he edits the Oxford Studies in Early-Modern Philosophy. Domenico Bertoloni Meli teaches the history of science at Indiana Uni-versity, Bloomington. He is the author of Equivalence and priority: Newton. [REVIEW]Douglas Jesseph - 2004 - Perspectives on Science 12 (2).
  8. Sir John has been a Fellow at numerous medical colleges in England, New Zealand and Australia. In 19 jj he was a resident lecturer at Johns Hopkins University. Knighthood came to him in 19 j8 as a recipient of the Queen's Birth Honours-Knight Bachelor. Honorary degrees have been awarded Sir John by Cambridge University, the Uni. [REVIEW]Sir John Eccles - 1969 - In John D. Roslansky & Ernan McMullin, The uniqueness of man. London,: North-Holland Pub. Co..
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  9.  35
    Courtney S. Campbell, Ph. D., is Professor and Director, Program for Ethics, Science, and the Environment, Department of Philosophy, Oregon State Uni-versity, Corvallis, Oregon. Jean E. Chambers, Ph. D., is Associate Professor in the Philosophy Department of the State University of New York, Oswego. She is currently working on. [REVIEW]John Harris, Bryan Hilliard, Søren Holm, Kenneth V. Iserson, Avery Kolers, Greg Loeben, Peter Montague & John C. Moskop - 2003 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 12:329-330.
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    The Anthropological Character of Theology: Conditioning Theological Understanding by David A. Pailin.Ralph Del Colle - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (4):694-698.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:694 BOOK REVIEWS Exercises in the Work of HUvB," Antonio Sicari writes on "Theology and Holiness," and Georges Chantraine writes on the relationship of "Exegesis and Contemplation." Missing from Henrici's account of Balthasar's philosophical presup· positions, as well as from the other contributions, are further sugges· tions for exploring possible relationships with some of the current con· cerns in North America like the hermeneutical debates or those surrounding other (...)
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    Language and the Grand Tour: Linguistic Experiences of Travelling in Early Modern Europe.Hans J. Rindisbacher - 2022 - The European Legacy 28 (2):223-226.
    The Grand Tour was “the classical continental trip to France and Italy, undertaken by young aristocratic men in early modern Europe, ostensibly for educational purposes.” According to Cambridge Uni...
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    Propositional Analyis [review of Graham Stevens, The Russellian Origins of Analytical Philosophy ].David Blitz - 2009 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 29 (1):76-84.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:76 Reviews PROPOSITIONAL ANALYSIS David Blitz Philosophy Dept. and Peace Studies / Central Connecticut State U. New Britain, ct 06050, usa [email protected] Graham Stevens. The Russellian Origins of Analytical Philosophy: Bertrand Russell and the Unity of the Proposition. London and New York: Routledge, 2005. Pp. xii, 185. isbn: 978-0-415-36044-9 (hb). £80.00. us$155.95. Graham Stevens has written a short book on a diUcult subject: the unity of the proposition. While (...)
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    Preface: Carnap Lectures 2011 and Animal Cognition Workshop in Bochum.Lena Kästner, Ulrike Pompe & Albert Newen - 2012 - Philosophia 40 (3):415-416.
    The contributions in this part of the present issue mainly originate from the Carnap Lectures 2011 in Bochum where Prof. Tim Crane (Cambridge, UK) and Prof. Katalin Farkas (Budapest) presented keynote lectures under the heading “The Boundaries of the Mental”. The full workshop program is available on our website:
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  14. Henry More - Enchiridion Metaphysicum - Manuel de métaphysique : ou une dissertation courte et claire sur les substances incorporelles.Francoise Monnoyeur - 2020 - Paris: Les Belles Lettres. Edited by Francoise Monnoyeur.
    Henry More est le plus connu des Platoniciens de Cambridge et l’Enchiridion Metaphysicum, son dernier ouvrage, représente l’accomplissement de sa pensée. Il s’agit d’une enquête métaphysique dont le principal objectif est d’établir l’existence d’une substance immatérielle, d’une âme du monde, sorte d’intermédiaire entre Dieu et le monde par laquelle les choses agissent. More nous invite ainsi à découvrir la vraie métaphysique qui consiste en la découverte de la nature véritable de l’étendue des êtres spirituels comme Dieu, les anges et (...)
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    On Fire. Dissertation for the Master’s Degree.I. Kant - 2019 - Kantian Journal 38 (2):73-95.
    The text of Kant’s first dissertation is a translation from Latin from an academic publication of a collection of Kant’s works: Kant, I. Meditationum quarundam de igne succincta delineatio... In: Königlich Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, ed., 1910. Kants Gesammelte Schriften. 1. Abhandling: Werke. Band I: Vorkritische Schriften I, 1747-1756. Berlin: Georg Reimer, 1910, pp. 369-384. The publication is available at https://korpora.zim.uni-duisburg- [Accessed 10 March 2019]. Pagination and illustrations are from the same publication, the page numbers are in square brackets (...)
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    De l’analyseur différentiel à l’ordinateur : le parcours de Douglas R. Hartree (1897-1958).Marie-José Durand-Richard - 2018 - Revue de Synthèse 139 (3-4):289-326.
    Résumé Bien qu’il soit très peu pris en compte par l’histoire des ordinateurs, l’analyseur différentiel a été une machine mathématique essentielle – à la fois aux États-Unis et en Angleterre, puis dans d’autres pays européens – pour la résolution numérique des équations différentielles, avant et pendant la Seconde Guerre Mondiale. Douglas R. Hartree (1897-1958), initialement physicien de l’atome, est directement concerné par les nouvelles possibilités qu’offrent cet analyseur, ainsi que des machines comme l’ENIAC à Philadelphie et l’EDSAC à Cambridge (...)
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  17. tome IV. Correspondance et documents.Textes RéUnis PréSentés Et Annotés Par Jeroom Vercruysse - 1999 - In Luc de Clapiers de Vauvenargues, Œuvres complètes. Paris: Honoré Champion éditeur.
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  18. Onze études.réunies par A. Stevens - 2008 - In M. Hecquet- Devienne & A. Stevens, Aristote: Métaphysique gamma. Édition, traduction, études. Peeters.
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    Universals and a fortiori reasoning.W. A. Pickard-Cambridge - 1917 - Mind 26 (102):205-215.
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    Charles Taylor. Contemporary Philosophy in Focus. By Ruth Abbey, editor. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Pp. xi, 220. Right, Wrong and Science: The Ethical Dimensions of the Techno-Scientific Enterprise. Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities, vol. 81. By Evandro Agazzi. Edited by Craig Dilworth. Atlantic Highlands. [REVIEW]By Eric B. Baum Cambridge - 2004 - Philosophical Review 113 (2).
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  21.  17
    IX.—On Our Knowledge of Value.W. A. Pickard-Cambridge - 1917 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 17 (1):216-255.
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    Iresione, Tomus I. By Thaddaeus Zieliński. Pp. vii+468. Lwów and Paris ('Les Belles Lettres'), 1931. 30 zl.A. W. Pickard-Cambridge - 1932 - The Classical Review 46 (04):183-.
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    Books regew.John Beversluis Cambridge - 2000 - Philosophical Review 109 (2).
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    bOOkS IN SUmmary.Gary Ianziti Cambridge - 2012 - History and Theory 51 (2):480-483.
    James A. Diefenbeck, Wayward Reflections on the History ofPhilosophyThomas R. Flynn Sartre, Foucault and Historical Reason. Volume 1:Toward an Existential Theory of HistoryMark Golden and Peter Toohey Inventing Ancient Culture:Historicism, Periodization and the Ancient WorldZenonas Norkus Istorika: Istorinis IvadasEverett Zimmerman The Boundaries of Fiction: History and theEighteenth‐Century British Novel.
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    Kierkegaard and Freedom.Cambridge Madingley - 1998 - In Daniel N. Robinson, The mind. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 107--426.
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  26. The Journal of Biosocial Science is published by the Biosocial Society and distributed by the Portland Press (formerly the Biochemical Society Book Depot). Orders, payments and enquiries regarding distribution should be sent to: Journal of Biosocial Science, PO Box 32, Commerce Way.Cambridge CB23DZ - 1992 - Journal of Biosocial Science 24 (2):141.
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    Sophistical refutations.W. A. Pickard-Cambridge - 1984 - In Jonathan Barnes, Complete Works of Aristotle, Volume 1: The Revised Oxford Translation. Princeton University Press.
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  28. Two problems about duty (I.).W. A. Pickard-Cambridge - 1932 - Mind 41 (161):72-96.
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    Themis. A Study of the Social Origins of Greek Religion. By Jane Ellen Harrison. Second edition, revised. Pp. xxxvi + 559. Cambridge: University Press. 21s. [REVIEW]A. W. Pickard-Cambridge - 1927 - The Classical Review 41 (04):146-.
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    Zeus Zeus: A Study in Ancient Religion. Vol. II. By A. B. Cook. In two parts. Pp. xliii + 1397; 47 plates, illustrations in text. Cambridge: University Press, 1925. £8 8s. [REVIEW]A. W. Pickard-Cambridge - 1927 - The Classical Review 41 (1):12-15.
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    Topics.W. A. Pickard-Cambridge - 1984 - In Jonathan Barnes, Complete Works of Aristotle, Volume 1: The Revised Oxford Translation. Princeton University Press.
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  32. Dag Westerstahl.Elisabeth Engdahl, Dov Gabbay, U. Cambridge, Johan van Benthem, Jon Barwise, Robin Cooper, Jon Doyle, Brian Skyrms & U. Irvine - 1996 - Journal of Logic, Language, and Information 5:107-112.
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    Two problems about duty (II.).W. A. Pickard-Cambridge - 1932 - Mind 41 (162):145-172.
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    “All knowledge is either conception or assent”. On the history and significance of a fundamental distinction in Islamic philosophy.U. K. Cambridge - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Philosophy:1-21.
    Following Aristotle, classical Islamic philosophers distinguished between two types of knowledge: conception and assent. This paper argues that the discussions elicited by this distinction are an essential feature of postclassical Islamic philosophy (ca. 1200–1800). The early postclassical philosophers made the distinction central to logic and thereby to epistemology and scientific inquiry at large. As the distinction came to be perceived as problematic, it sparked philosophical arguments about a range of issues in logic and epistemology. One particularly pertinent problem was the (...)
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    The a fortiori argument.W. A. Pickard-Cambridge - 1915 - Mind 24 (96):536-538.
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  36.  38
    South Italian Vases and Attic Drama.A. W. Pickard-Cambridge - 1949 - Classical Quarterly 43 (1-2):57-.
    Professor Webster's attempt to prove that south Italian vases of the middle of the fourth century can be used as evidence of Athenian theatrical arrangements of half or three-quarters of a century earlier leaves me unconvinced. It, is true that, as he says, ‘the plays’ which the vases illustrate ‘come from Athens'— at least, most of them probably did: but a number of scenes on the vases are not scenes presented in the plays at all, but are scenes suggested to (...)
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  37. À propos de l'indexation discursive.Autour des Travaux de Muriel Amar & Jean-Pierre Cotten Et Marie-Madeleine Varet Textes RéUnis Et PréSentés Par BenoîT Hufschmitt - 1998 - In Jean Pierre Cotten, Documentation et philosophie: À propos de l'indexation discursive. Paris: Presses Univ. Franche-Comté.
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    Aristophanes and the Pnyx. By James Turney Allen. (University of California Publications in Classical Philology, Vol. XII, No. 2, pp. 27–34.) Berkeley: University of California Press (Cambridge: University Press), 1936. Paper, is. 3d. [REVIEW]A. W. Pickard-Cambridge - 1937 - The Classical Review 51 (2):83-84.
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    The Gods in Greek Tragedy: A Study of Ritual Survivals in Fifth-Century Drama. By Alfred Cary Schlesinger. Pp. 142. Athens: P. D. Sakellarios, 1929. [REVIEW]A. W. Pickard-Cambridge - 1929 - The Classical Review 43 (05):201-.
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    The Georgics- P. D'Hérouville: L'Astronomie de Virgile. Pp. viii+33. Paris: ‘Les Belles Lettres’, 1940. Paper, 9 fr. - P. D'Hérouville: Géorgiques I–II: Chamþs, Vergers, Forêts. Pp. 155. Paris: ‘Les Belles Lettres’, 1942. Paper, 30 fr. [REVIEW]A. W. Pickard-Cambridge - 1946 - The Classical Review 60 (01):37-.
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    The Loeb Demosthenes Demosthenes, Olynthiacs, Philippics, Minor Public Speeches, Leptines. With an English translation by J. H. Vince. (Loeb Classical Library.) Pp. xx + 608. London: Heinemann; New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Cloth, 10s.; leather, 12s. 6d. [REVIEW]A. W. Pickard-Cambridge - 1931 - The Classical Review 45 (06):223-.
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    Compassion Versus Competitiveness: An Industrial Relations Perspective on the Impact of Globalization on the Standards of Employee Relations Ethics in the United States.Charles Cambridge - 2001 - Ethics and Behavior 11 (1):87-103.
    This article reviews the globalization process and how it impacts the standards of employee relations ethics in the United States. John Dunlop's industrial relations systems framework is employed to assess how the globalization process has altered the ideology that binds the industrial relations system together and the body of rules created to govern behavior in the workplace and work community. I discuss how globalization has altered the context of industrial relations systems around the world and analyze the consequences of the (...)
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  43. The Christ of Dogma and Experience.W. A. Pickard-Cambridge - 1904 - Hibbert Journal 3:253.
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    Die Doppel- und Halbchöre in der antiken Tragödie. By Joseph Lammers. Pp. 170. Paderborn: Schōningh, 1931. Paper.A. W. Pickard-Cambridge - 1931 - The Classical Review 45 (05):196-.
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    Edouard Tièche: Thespis. Pp. 30. Leipzig and Berlin: Teubner, 1933. Paper, RM. 1.50.A. W. Pickard-Cambridge - 1934 - The Classical Review 48 (01):36-.
  46.  79
    Hermathena, No. L. Pp. 245. Dublin: Hodges, Figgis and Co. (London: Longmans), 1937. Paper, 6s.A. W. Pickard-Cambridge - 1938 - The Classical Review 52 (04):143-.
  47.  52
    P. Treves: Démosthène, La troisième Philippique, avec Introduction et Commentaire. Pp. 138. Liége: Dessain, 1938. Paper.A. W. Pickard-Cambridge - 1939 - The Classical Review 53 (04):145-.
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    Two problems about duty (III.).W. A. Pickard-Cambridge - 1932 - Mind 41 (163):311-340.
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  49.  87
    Die Siruktur des Eingangs in der Attischen Tragödie. By Walter Nestle. Pp. x+133. Stuttgart : W. Kohlhammer, 1930.Paper, R.M. 9. [REVIEW]A. W. Pickard-Cambridge - 1930 - The Classical Review 44 (05):199-.
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    A Response to Günter Figal’s Aesthetic Monism: Phenomenological Sublimity and the Genesis of Aesthetic Experience.GermanyIrene Breuer Irene Breuer Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Dipl-Ing Arch: Degree in Architecture Phil), Then Professor for Architectural Design Germanylecturer, Phenomenology at the Buwdaad Scholarship Buenos Airesto Midlecturer for Theoretical Philosophy, the Support of the B. U. W. My Research Focus is Set On: Ancient Greek Philosophy Research on the Reception of the German Philosophical Anthropology in Argentina Presently Working on Mentioned Research Subject, French Phenomenology Classical German, Architectural Theory Aesthetics & Design Cf: Https://Uni-Wuppertalacademiaedu/Irenebreuer - 2025 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 11 (1):151-170.
    This paper aims to pay tribute to Figal’s comprehensive and innovative analysis of the artwork and beauty, while challenging both his realist position on the immediacy of meaning and his monist stance that reduces sublimity to beauty. To enquire into the origin of aesthetic feelings and sense, and thus, to break the hermeneutic circle, we first trace the origin of this reduction to the reception of Burke’s concept of the sublime by Mendelssohn and Kant. We then recur to Husserl and (...)
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